Saturday, December 26, 2009

What's This All About?

This blog was started as a way to share a PowerPoint slide show to the many who participated in it - prostate cancer patients at M. D. Anderson's Proton Therapy Center and the staff treating them.

I've also tried in a small way to make it a resource for any man afflicted with this disease, one that would provide him information to help make one of the most important decisions a man may make in his life: how to treat prostate cancer, especially when it is diagnosed in its early stages.

Anyone who has undergone proton therapy should feel free to share their experiences, let others know how they are doing post treatment. This would also be another, less formal, more subjective resource.

There are many similar resources out there, and I will do my best to provide them to all who visit. But for now, thanks for coming by, watching "The Grind" and saying a few words of encouragement for those who are just beginning, in the middle of or finished with taking the kinds of steps we have taken to rid ourselves of prostate cancer with the goal of maintaining the highest quality of life.

Be safe, stay well, live with conviction.

Friday, December 25, 2009

The Grind: Life in the PGA (Patient Gowning Area)

These slide shows display photographs of the legs and feet of prostate cancer patients as well as some of the staff at the M. D. Anderson Proton Therapy Center who treated us - over 40 unique photographs in all. Shot during my treatment period (September 14 - November 4), the goal was to capture the different characteristics of each person in a less recognizable, partial portrait fashion.

Almost all were taken under low-light conditions (producing a slightly grainy effect), all were enhanced using Adobe Photoshop Elements 6, and with the exception of my legs and feet (shot by another patient, with thanks), all were taken by me. All were edited by me.

My sincere thanks and appreciation to all portrayed in this presentation for permitting me to take their photograph and realize this concept.

Any and all visitors should feel free to post comments.